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Nutri-Balanced Whole Milk(64 oz.)

$10.00 $2.84

This 70% Grass-Fed Creamline Non-Homogenized Whole Milk is produced by the Wholesome Country Creamery in Hamptonville, North Carolina - a small farming community just 150 miles East of Asheville. The Hostetler Family of 10 children manage their Holstein herd with sustainable farming practices. Their cows are fed, what they refer to as, a "Nutri-Balanced" diet. By paying attention to the excellent nutrients in their soil and the abundance of their field, the cows are able produce a whole food. The Hofstetler Family has been in the dairy business since 1979, yet only began to bottle their own milk on the farm in May  2013. Bottling their own milk on the farm has allowed the Hofstetler's to maintain complete control over the integrity of the milk.  All of the milk on the farm is Low-Temp Pasturized to maintain many of the naturally occurring enzymes and nutrients. The process involves heating 40 gallons of the milk to 145°F for 30 minutes at a time.  This small-batch process is current with NCDA and USDA standards for Low-Tempreature VAT Pasturization. 


The 70% Grass-Fed Whole Milk is GMO-Free without any added hormones or antibiotics. The other 30% of the cows diet comprises GMO-Free, heirloom corn and soybeans grown on the Farm.

The bottles are food grade plastic not glass. They are biodegradable and the most environmentally friendly bottle the family could find after months of research

Dairy Supplier

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