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Chocolate Milk (12oz) - Small Glass Jar

$3.49 $1.01
per kg

Rich, creamy, smooth and flavorful. A chocolate lover's delight!

9 Grams of Total Fat, 5 Grams of Saturated Fat.

Maple View Dairy Distributed by Farm to Home Milk Originating in Corinna, Maine, the farm existed at the same location from the time the first settlers homesteaded central Maine in the early 1800s. Roger Nutter is the sixth generation of his family to farm land, first in Maine and now in North Carolina. In July 1963, the Maple View milking herd and breeding heifers were moved to a better milk market and climate for double cropping found just outide Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In 2013 Maple View Farm celebrated 50 years in its current location on 400 acres in Hillsborough, NC. The Nutter family has run Maple View for 6 generations - Roger Nutter is the current family member running the farm and Farm to Home Milk is their Distributor from the Greensboro area west to the Tennessee line and down through Charlotte. Each week Farm to Home Milk picks up milk direct after bottling. Farm to Home Milk is happy and honored to have become a trusted partner in the Maple View family since January of 2013. For years Maple View Dairy put their milk on a tanker truck to sell to a large milk co-op; but in 1996 that changed. Roger saw the declining milk market and because of his superior milk decided to invest in an on-farm processing and bottling operation. The niche is an old school glass bottle operation where the bottles are returned, washed, sanitized, and re-used each week. This saves money and the environment, not to mention the improved taste of the milk. The Holstein cows at Maple View eat a mix of wheat, barley, hay, corn, cotton seed, and alfalfa. Their diet has been specially formulated for cow strength and milk flavor. All crops are grown on the farm. The herd is now at about 150 cows that are milked three times a day 365 days a year.

Dairy Supplier 1

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